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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Am I Really Doing This Again?

Food. The final frontier.

Talked at length with my mom today about the fat/food battle. That when you are on a diet, tracking calories, etc., it feels like you think about food even more than you do when you are just craving/indulging. All day, what can I eat? Write that down. Count the calories. Can I have a snack yet? What am I going to have? How many calories is that? And so on.

Not to put anyone down, but it's hard to hear weight loss advice from a 95-pound very fit person.

I can't do this forever, but I don't have to. I loaded the MyPlate app from and I am going to focus on the first 10 pounds and a day at a time. A snack at a time. A glass of water at a time. That's enough for now.

The food I would most hate to give up--cheese. Cheese, cheese, cheese. It is tasty, savory, salty, deep and vast, and the texture of a good cheese is sensual.

Tomorrow, MyPlate and the new fasting lab work.


  1. This is exactly what a diagnosis of diabetes is like, to me. You think about food every minute, what you CAN have, what you CAN'T have, what you WISH you could have, and why aren't the damn numbers doing what they're supposed to when you make the RIGHT choices?

    Now the metformin is working well, I'm not as good at my diet. I need to get better again. I've plateaued, and we ALL hate a plateau, even if it does mean my weight loss is totally maintain-able.

    Kudos on the new start, the new commitment! They're never easy.

  2. Thanks for the comment, MamaBear. It helps.
