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Monday, June 7, 2010

Please take me seriously

As fibro/CFS patients, I think we have all been there at least once, probably multiple times. It's not just our family/friends/significant others who don't take us seriously. "Just do more. Be active. That's the only way to get un-tired." Sorry. Will power won't make me well. It just won't.

But I digress. It's not just the support group who thinks we should snap out of it. It's the doctors, too.

I tried to explain my post-exertional malaise to my doc, who told me that going to bed if I hurt was the worst thing I could do. What part of "I couldn't move for 4 days or wake up" did I not clarify?

Just stretch more--NO, that made my muscles feel like they were ripping. No matter how careful I was. After the 4 days, Yes, I started stretching again.

I didn't work out again for 1-1/2 weeks after the session that started the malaise. But I did start again. And that's what matters.

To the doc's credit, I haven't tried to talk to her about the fibro before, so now it's getting mixed in with the weight loss effort, and she's militant about that having to happen as a priority above everything else.

I am not exercising or dieting for her. I am doing it for me. So I can be strong again. My WHY hasn't changed, and it won't change, no matter how angry or disillusioned I may get.


  1. i solly. stupid doctor.

    good for you for sticking with it! boo hiss for leaving me behind as the biggest sister. i can't let THAT status quo remain!

  2. Over rant! Now moving on to having a brilliant day!

  3. Ooh, KadyB, I like your picture!

  4. ooo, look, it's mamacita!!!

    oh wait.

    dang doctors. :/ hope your fibro doesn't do that this weekend. eep.

    and mamabear, i'm pretty sure *i'm* the biggest sister right now. disgrace so kindly pointed out how huge i am today. lol
